NEW… New site!! New Country! New language! & NEW WORK!!


New site!! New Country! New language! & NEW WORK!!

I’ve terminated my good old site… Although it has served me well over the past 7/8 years (always so bubbly, pink and optimistic) it was time to move on… and become ! (which is really who I have been all along).

I have posted a lot of new work, and certainly edited out the old or less relevant. I must admit I am quite pleased with the site, and I have once again learned so much in the process of creating it (the web is a mysterious world).

Due to my incredible fear of free-time I am working on a few new projects. Currently, I am working on my Thesis film (a stop-motion animation), a Holography project, and research for an interactive video piece…. I’m also hoping that COmotion will have another Winnipeg edition in late February (fingers crossed).

Seeing that I’m on the topic of NEW… I might as well mention that I have a new home! I recently left my beloved Montreal and moved to Vienna Austria! It’s been incredibly exciting, and I am taking Deutsch classes to try and learn a new language. (Aber Deutsch ist sehr schwer). 2014 was really a totally great year, and I hope 2015 keeps on the up and up!! (up up and away to infinity and beyond!)

So, without further ado: WELCOME TO MY NEW SITE!

